AYSC Use Policy

As president of the Antioch Youth Sports Complex I would like to welcome you to AYSC and quickly give you a little bit of information about AYSC

NO DOGS OR OTHER ANIMALS – except assistance dogs
NO ILLEGAL PARKING – AYSC will be fined if cars park in non designated spots because that could hinder emergency vehicles. We have towed cars this year and will not hesitate to do it in the future.

DO NOT PARK NEXT TO CUPERTINO TOW ON APOLLO CT.– They are nice people, but they need those spots for their customers and they will tow your car away. It is not cheap to get your car back and it is very easy for them to tow it.

OVERFLOW PARKING – Unfortunately the owner of the dirt lot adjacent to the west entrance has cancelled his agreement with AYSC for cars to park there. We are currently negotiating with the owner of the dirt lot at the SW corner of Apollo Ct and Wilbur for cars to park there. Cars will be able to park along Apollo Ct. We have negotiated an agreement with the owner of the Antioch Distribution Center which is located to the east of the Sports Complex. We will be installing a pedestrian gate to allow easy access from that lot to the soccer fields. Both owners have strict rules regarding the use of their property and if people dump trash in the lots and abuse the privilege they will revoke the agreement.

CONTROL CHILDREN IN THE RESTROOM – A lot of children are left unsupervised in the restroom and end up putting toilet paper all over the place, sticking paper towels in the drains and other things so disgusting that I cannot mention it here. It is not uncommon for the snack bar personnel to have to clean the restrooms three times on a Saturday due to them getting so filthy that no one wants to use them.

NO NOISE MAKERS – The neighbors start calling to complain as soon as people start blowing horns, ringing bells, etc.

THEFTS – Do not leave valuables in cars. There have been several cases this year of thieves quickly breaking a window and stealing purses and other items. Equipment left in the back of pickup trucks is an easy target.

HELP KEEP THE FIELDS AND RESTROOMS CLEAN – If the grounds crew has to spend all day Monday picking up trash that people left after the games that just means that they won’t have time to do other more productive things, like mowing, killing gophers, fixing sprinklers, removing weeds, edging, etc.

LET US KNOW OF PROBLEMS – If the field is too wet, too dry, a sprinkler leaking , a hole in the fence or anything else that is not right please let your coach know. He will contact the right people on the DYSL board and they will contact an AYSC board member who will look into the problem. There are 20 acres of fields and we cannot walk every square foot every day.

IF THE GATE IS LOCKED – First double check that it is really locked and not unlocked and just hanging loose on the chain. If you open one gate please take the time to open up both sides of the gate. If it really is locked, notify your coach. He will in turn contact a DYSL board member who will contact an AYSC Board member who will get it unlocked.

PLEASE SUPPORT THE SNACK BAR – Profits from the snack bar help support the complex and keep the league fees down. Cart vendors keep coming into the complex despite all of our attempts to chase them off. When you buy from them that just means less money for AYSC and therefore it will have to come from your league fees.

ONLY USE AYSC WHEN YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO USE IT – We try to make AYSC available for whenever teams want to use it, but at times we need to mow the lawn, water it and do other maintenance. We cannot do that while children are playing on it. Please contact your AYSC rep when you wish to use the fields and he will schedule it with AYSC. If your team shows up without prior notice on a Sunday or during the day on a weekday they may find it locked, closed or they may be asked to use a different field due to work being done. If your activity is not on the AYSC Event Calendar then there is a good chance that you may not be able to use AYSC.

AYSC USES WELL WATER FOR IRRIGATION – Since the City of Antioch has decided to stop supplying AYSC with free water for irrigation, AYSC just switched to well water. It has been tested and is safe, but it is not drinking water. Drinking water is still piped up to the snack bar and restrooms. All other hose connections will deliver well water. Warning signs have been installed at every hose connection.

YOU NEED TO ENFORCE THESE RULES – During soccer season this is soccer’s park. All of the AYSC board members are volunteers. They are already spending a lot of time trying to improve the complex. They cannot be expected to be down there all of the time to enforce the rules. We need people in the league to make sure that the rules are followed so that AYSC is a safe place for the children using it.

Thank you and have a great season.


Antioch Youth Sports Complex